• +91-9345531807   |     foodandnutrition@usfn.net
  • Journals & Publication

    At BioLEAGUES, each submitted article goes through a rigorous peer review process involving multiple reviewers and experts in the field. We firmly believe that the peer-review publication process is an essential element of academia, and it must be maintained with the utmost integrity. Reviewers in the respective fields offer their insights and recommendations to enhance the quality of submissions.

    Indexing Database

    Note : 7th International Conference on Food and Nutrition Proceeding series will be submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BKCI) and to Scopus for evaluation and Indexing (T&C)*

    Technoarete Transactions on Recent Research in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

    ISSN :2583-3480

    Scope : View

    Submit Paper

    Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation

    ISSN :2583-0023

    Scope : View

    Submit Paper

    International Journal of Agro Nutrifood Practices

    ISSN :2583-066X

    Scope : View

    Submit Paper

    Transaction on Biomedical Engineering applications, healthcare

    ISSN :2582-7405

    Scope : View

    Submit Paper

    Major steps involved in publishing a research paper from the manuscript preparation to publication are as follows

    Manuscript Preparation :

    • Format your manuscript according to the conference guidelines and template. - Full manuscript Format and Abstract format
    • Ensure proper structure, including title, abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
    • Check for proper citation format, using the conference's preferred citation style.

    Review Process :

    • Submit your manuscript through the conference's online submission system by the specified deadline. submission
    • The submitted manuscript will undergo a peer-review process, where experts in the field evaluate the quality, validity, and relevance of the research.
    • Address any feedback or revisions suggested by the reviewers.

    Acceptance Notification :

    • Once the review process is complete, authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their papers.
    • If revisions are required, make the necessary changes and resubmit the revised manuscript within the given timeframe.

    Registration :

    • Authors of accepted papers need to register for the conference by the specified deadline Register now
    • Ensure that at least one author registers to secure the inclusion of the paper in the conference proceedings.

    Proofreading :

    • After registration, authors may receive galley proofs of their papers for final review.
    • Carefully proofread the proofs for any errors and make necessary corrections.

    Presentation Preparation :

    • If presenting at the conference, prepare your presentation materials and slides based on the conference guidelines.
    • Practice your presentation to ensure clarity and adherence to the allocated time.

    Journal Publication (Optional) :

    • Some conferences offer the opportunity for selected papers to be further considered for publication in affiliated journals.
    • If interested, authors may submit an extended version of their conference paper to the journal's editorial review process.

    Conference Proceedings :

    • After the conference, the accepted and presented papers are typically compiled into conference proceedings.
    • The proceedings are published either in print or online, providing a permanent record of the research presented at the conference.

    Conference Presentation :

    • Present your research at the conference during the assigned session.
    • Engage with the audience and be prepared to answer questions.

    Networking and Collaboration :

    • Use the conference as an opportunity to network with fellow researchers, professionals, and experts in the field.
    • Explore potential collaborations and stay informed about current trends and future research directions.

    Ethics and publication Malpractice

    For Authors

    Ethics and publication practices are crucial aspects of the scholarly community to ensure the integrity, credibility, and reliability of research. For the 7th International Conference on Food and Nutrition, participants and authors are expected to adhere to ethical standards and avoid publication malpractices. Here is key principles

    Ethical Guidelines

    Authorship and Contributorship :

    Plagiarism :

    Data Integrity :

    Informed Consent :

    Conflict of Interest :

    Research Ethics :

    Publication Malpractice Prevention

    Multiple Submissions :

    Authorship Manipulation :

    Data Falsification and Fabrication :

    Review Process Integrity :

    Transparent Reporting :

    Redundant Publication :

    Retraction and Corrections :

    Authors, reviewers, and conference organizers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with ethical guidelines and collaborate to maintain the highest standards of integrity in research and publication. Violation of ethical standards can have serious consequences for the individual researcher and the academic community as a whole.

    Contact us to get the assistance in navigating your research publication process smoothly.